I'm really excited to be part of the (Mis) Conceptions FERTILITY FORTUNES event this month.
Here's more info from the project website:
To celebrate our (Mis)Conceptions Card Deck, now in its completed form, as well as the launch of Conceiving Histories, this 4-day exhibition, brings together art by project artist Anna Burel, creative and embodied workshops, talks and spoken word from leading specialists working in the women's and fertility health space.
The Exhibition will showcase larger-than-life sculptures, as well as drawings from the preparation of the card deck. We will also represent artist Sally Butcher's digital AR installation work.
What is fertility for you?
A social expectation? A biological rhythm? A creative urge?
How can ideas, relationships and futures be made fertile, with or without having children?
What is it you want to know about your future? What do you know you want your future to hold? What do you still hold in doubt? Do those doubts need resolution or might they, too, be fertile?
Where have you been looking for your answers? From science? Google? God? Friends and family? Modernity or history? Nature? Your dreams? The stars?
These cards are not tarot, though they share the language of inquiry and introspection. And, instead of you posing questions of the cards, the cards ask you about how your desires and fears fit (or might learn to fit) into your world. They seek a rich inclusive conversation, with no pre-emptively shut doors.
Hold one card or draw a spread. Use the image or the words. Ask yourself, your friend or your partner.
Then shuffle the deck and ask again."
There are still some tickets available here.
My session is part of the Friday theme of "Belief & Bodies Beyond Fertility"
11-1pm – Session 1
Researcher Julieta Baker, Doula Emilie Rowell and Dr. Lora Adair (Centre for Culture and Evolution, Brunel University)
Embodiment, body-mapping and fertility.
Blending art, science, history and embodiment with a wonderful array of speakers, research and creativity workshops. I will report back in February and let you know how it was for those that can't make it.