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Pregnancy Resources
Useful information online
April 17, 2015
A grass roots movement,  spreading positivity about childbirth via a global network of free Positive Birth groups, linked up by social media.

AIMS... at the forefront of the childbirth movement for more than fifty years.

They campaign for normal birth, work on women's birth right's issues and have a wealth of resources available both on their website and through their published materials.

"Birthrights is the UK’s only organisation dedicated to improving women’s experience of pregnancy and childbirth by promoting respect for human rights. We believe that all women are entitled to respectful maternity care that protects their fundamental rights to dignity, autonomy, privacy and equality."
Packed with women's real birth stories, covering different kinds of birth experience in an open an honest way. They also offer a 'Birth Buddy' peer support pairing system.
Optimal Foetal Positioning Jean Sutton's site on OFP.
"OFP is about encouraging the un-born baby to settle into the most

effective position for labour and birth. As the baby readies itself for
labour it instinctively wants to align itself into its mother’s pelvis
so that it can pass through without restriction to be born."

Made in partnership with Birth Choice UK this Which? guide gives info on options including finding what's available to you locally.There's a 'Birth Choice Tool' on there as well.
Perhaps a little dated, 90's looking website but it's still packed with useful articles and links on home birth in Britain.
Sheila Kitzinger was a fantastic woman and a real inspiration. Her work around birth and pregnancy spanned over 50 years, sadly she passed on in 2015. You'll find lots of information on her website, covering; home birth, water birth, research, books and articles.
Evidence Based Birth Blog
Evidence based information on topics including; vitamin K, 'big' babies, waterbirth and more...